Change of registered office address!
Dear Partner!
Please be informed that with effect from 01.06.2024 the registered office address of DAK Acélszerkezeti Kft. will change. Our new address (we are NOT moving, only the street name was changed):
2400 Dunaújváros, Sándorháza utca 1/B
Please note that the other company data of DAK Acélszerkezeti Kft. (name, company registration number, tax number) will not change.
Welcome to the home page of DAK Acélszerkezeti Kft.!
I hope that by browsing our webpage you can gain a clearer, although not complete, picture about who we are and what we offer. If you'd like to know more about us or our products, please don't hesitate to contact me or any of my colleagues.
Tarány Gábor
Chief Executive Officer
Dunaújváros, Sándorháza u. 1/B
Secretariat: +36 25 511-600
Hot-dip galvanizing
Secretariat: +36 25 511-653